What is Camp-a-Jawn?

The word “Jawn” is uniquely Philly, unlike any other word in any other language. Like this simple word, Philadelphia and its people are unlike any other people of any other city. The city of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, we depend on one another in both good times and hard times. This past year has been a hard time, especially for the youth of Philly. Forced to navigate an ever changing and constantly evolving environment our kids embraced virtual learning, social isolation, and learned to face some difficult challenges– head on.

Camp-a-Jawn is our chance to come together as a community to move from hard times, back to the good times.
It is a fun and innovative way to get involved, have fun, challenge yourselves and your friends all while helping us reach our goal.

We have a HUGE goal and NEED your help.

We need to raise $15,000 in the month of June to cover the $250 per day, per camper cost to provide camp opportunities without worrying about finances.

There are two ways that you and your friends can get involved, have fun, and do something great in the life of a child.

Peer to Peer Fundraising

Peer to Peer fundraising is a new adventure for Camp Jamison and we are excited to invite our supporters,friends, family, the community….everyone, to join us.


Click below to download a step-by-step guide to help you get started and then visit Camp-a-Jawn to learn more and register today.
Prizes awarded to the top 3 fundraisers!

Camp-a-Jawn Social Media Challenge

Life can always be improved by adding fresh air, a campfire and outdoor adventure. And to prove our point Camp Jamison has issued a Social Media Challenge to support our fundraising efforts to send kids to camp this summer.

Join us as we help give them the chance to embrace all of the things that make the great outdoors GREAT.We are challenging you to get outside and enjoy some green space in your community and snap a selfie doing whatever you enjoy most …. hiking, camping, trail riding, kayaking….the list goes on.

Then post it to your social media with the hashtag #camp-a-jawn, be sure you tag us so we can see your photo.

Want to be entered in the weekly prize give-a-way too? Just follow the rules above AND tag a friend.

All post that meet the requirements and are posted by 8 PM EST, Sundays will be eligible.

Weekly prizes and winners will announced on our Social Media channels, throughout the month of June…
by 9 AM EST on Mondays.